Saturday, November 03, 2007

The difference between Bellevue and Skyway

In downtown Bellevue, folks are abuzz about the new Nieman-Marcus store. I haven't been there, but I've heard it's oh so fashionable, and oh so expensive. I'm more of a Target or Goodwill kind of guy.
In downtown Skyway, it's not a Nieman-Marcus going in at the former Schuck's located just east of the Skyway Park casino and bowling alley. It's a pawn shop superstore, so if you've been gambling and lost all your money but just know you're one hand away from winning, you can go next door and pawn your Rolex.
...On a slightly different note, the food at the bowling alley is actually pretty good. I've eaten in the "dining room" and had good prawns scampi. The veggie side dish included red peppers and yellow squash. Steaks are quite good, salads are huge, and service is friendly. A senior menu exists for folks fifty! and over. Fifty is young!
There is a separate restaurant, the Wok 52 Bistro, within the casino. The menu looks good, with a Thai/Vietnamese/Chinese fusion. I'll check it out and report back after I've gone next door to pawn my Rolex.


Gretchen said...

I miss you! Write something! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome site! I found you while googling (sadly) the Renton target...
I live in Skyway (or if we want to get fancy, Lake Ridge) and frequent the Skyway Bowl a lot for food. Good cheap-ish breakfasts, and we really like the Wok 52 Bistro... it's a Pan-Asian menu, and so far we've had mostly Thai noodles which are really good, AND they serve food super late.

Don Roff said...

I have been meaning to check out the bowling alley. A friend described it as Lynchian. I might have some bowling alley scampi for lunch. A Lynchian lunch? We'll see.

Anonymous said...

I'm not familiar with Skyway...can someone give pointers? I know Bellevue a little - not much.
A Lynchian lunch; hmmm, suddenly I'm being transported back to Club Silencio...