While none of the following is guaranteed to be accurate, it's based on conversations I've overheard, or stories from people who heard them from other people who heard them from other people, or things I read on the internet, so they must be true.
1. The economy has been brutal to local restaurants. One rumor had a couple of well known local restaurants " on the bubble", either making changes or changing. I couldn't extract specific names, but I figure that Armando's new menu and format didn't come out of nowhere. ( I liked Armando's before the changes they made, but it's much better now.) The Red House is also coming out with a new menu. I'm worried about this one, because the Red House is an awesome, comfortable place, with great food. Politically, I might be more liberal than 99% of the people out there, but when it comes to restaurants, I'm pretty conservative. I like what I like, and I don't like things I really like changing.
2. A brewery/brewpub coming to Renton? That's the rumor. In the former Evergreen City/ McLendon's hardware building on S. 2nd ST. I hope it's true. I like beer.
3. A pizzeria coming to the former Jubilante/ Blossom Bistro space on Burnett?
The rumor has it that one of Renton's best restauranteurs, who formerly dished out some of Renton's finest pizzas, is getting back to his roots and returning to pizza.
I hope it's true. I like pizza.